just speak yourself

infj. multi stan, anime liker. part time job haver (derogatory). lover of warm colors and poetry. animator in traing, aspiring college student. if you like sunsets and weird conversations at 3am--i think we'll get along well <3

i am a playfully rude person, if something i say makes you uncomfortable please feel free to reach out and dm me!! i never want to intentionally make others uncomfortable. for general conversation, please use tone tags, i cannot understand tone over text.

sh//edtwt, dsmp, antis, proship, white people/j, fry sauce enthusiasts, stuffed animal haters, ai "artists", nft creators and enjoyers

discord - __cobalt
pinterest - keehoscorner
soundcloud - NIMBUS
airbuds - quokkas.corner
hannibal, good omens, minecraft, fnaf, horror movies, poetry, kpop, art, edm, photo cards, albums, oragami, lo-fi music

learning korean + french, reading more books, organizing spaces, cleaning, sleeping, drawing, making music, recycling, cooking, baking, buying unnecessary things <3